Cultivar Review: Robotrip by Pack Gods
Robotrip 💊💜
By: Pack Gods
Lineage/Genetics 🧬: Unreleased
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Pack Gods
Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown
Robotrip Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

📋: 85%
Robotrip has a very terpy and sweet purple soapy smell thats backed up by some gas and cream. It’s powerful and pungent releasing its terpenes really well. I would say it almost fits in the candy gas category, but with all the fire terps it’s hard to put a thumb to it.
The flavor is straight forward but consistent in almost every hit. It taste floral with hints of purple sweetness. The exhale was smooth but powerful creating solid lung pressure. No harshness was detected and the transition from aroma to flavor performed perfectly. Nothing I haven’t tasted before, but the terps are fresh and vibrant so I was very pleased.
Robotrip will give off a high that slows you down, initially with a heavy head high followed by complete tranquility in the rest of the body. My mind is clear as its slowing thoughts and stress down. There is no focus or zone in effects, more of a stoned out and faded feeling. The high is strong and I would label it a Indica, good for heavy relaxation or sleep.
Overall I enjoyed Robotrip by PackGods, and I liked it better than the batch I picked up last year so its always nice to see improvement. The terps were fresh and will have any purpp lover happy. With how consistent the aroma, flavor, and effects were, Im sure I will be picking this strain up again. What do you think about PackGods, and have you tried Robotrip? Let me know in the comments. Cheers💨

Los Angeles🌴