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Cultivar Review: Sweet N’ Sour by Cannabiotix

Sweet n Sour 🍭⛽️

Lineage/Genetics🧬: GMO x Zkiitlez

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Cannabiotix

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

Sweet N’ Sour Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

sweet n sour by cannabiotix strain review by eriksreviews 2

📋: 81.9%

Sweet n Sour has a near perfect blend of funk from GMO, and candy sweetness from Zkittlez. It had bright candy notes overpowered by a funky GMO gas. There are hints of pine in the aroma which was reminding me of Christmas time. I liked the aroma because I was able to smell that strong pungency and funk from GMO, while still having a sweet candy profile coming from the Z genetic.

The flavor on Sweet n Sour is complex that has super light notes of gas, funky fruit, and sweetness. The exhale is powerful on the lungs that will sometimes punch the lungs up. With that said, there was light harshness detected which was disappointing and will affect its score. Also, the aftertaste is like earthy, smokey, and burnt which wasn’t enjoyable. I smoked this in a bong and through a joint and neither surprised me. Surprising coming from a brand like this.

The effects of Sweet n Sour were solid, it brings out both strains popular effects nicely creating a relaxing and semi sedating body high from GMO, to the creative, euphoric, and clear headed Zkittlez high. Its effects are stronger than average, but could be more potent forsure. The high is ideal for mid-day to late afternoon smoking if you can tolerate it, but wasn’t a nightcap knockout to me.

To wrap it up, Sweet n Sour was a nice twist on the classic GMO strain with some new school Z to help balance. The effects definitely helped this strain as its aroma and especially its taste were not that elite. I wish the candy from the Z came through more with some funky terps from the GMO, but that wasn’t the case. The high did get me nicely stoned and relaxed, but just not worth the hefty price tag CBX carries. I might give this another shot one day, but for now I’m giving it a 81.9% Cheers 💨

sweet n sour by cannabiotix strain review by eriksreviews

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One thought on “Cultivar Review: Sweet N’ Sour by Cannabiotix

  • InterestedReviewer

    Do you think GMO crosses like this one should be left in rosin only? Seems like they have been going crazy with these new Z and GMO crosses lately.


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