Cultivar Review: The Jelly by Deep East
#thejelly by @deofarms x @deepeast
Lineage/Genetics – 41 x (The Y bx(backcrossed)1-( Cookies x Cherry Pie) x Mazar( skunk #1 x Afghani ) )
Original Breeder/Grower: Deep East
Terpene Profile: Unknown

The Jelly Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
@thebakedbodega x @bakedintraffic . I’ve been a big supporter of @deofarms from the Zoap, RS this brand been killing the game with exclusive #inviteonly drops after drops . 5 years into a new breeding program with a whole collection of a whole collection, a new starting lineup has emerged. The jelly caught my eye.I’ve seen The jelly on live before the @firstsmokeoftheday interview. I remember him saying this one smells gas ⛽️ compare to the others. @thebakedbodega x @bakedintraffic always comes clutch with the #deepeast drops. The jelly is a blend of the famous 41 x The Y aka Y life x Mazar(Afghan based cultivar with parents like Skunk #1 & Afhani landraces). The nugs structure remind of 41, due to the kolas dark forrest green buds. Followed by some mix of purple hues and orange stigmas of the Y. The effects are stupendous, a heavy cerebral high ending with a relaxing body high. The high is so intense, had me feeling amazing on a Lyft ride home. It has a herbal, floral, gassy fumes, 41 x Y scent. The palate is pungent creamy, slight sweetness, Afghan (mazar)woodsy taste. I compare it like smoking a juicy fruit, slight taste then it’s gone. The lack of taste balances out with the effects. If you’re looking for taste of candy this ain’t it. If you’re looking for a great high, then The Jelly will take you there. The ashes burned salt & pepper. The inhale was smooth of slight jelly sweetness, earthy & gas 😮💨. Overall it’s not perfect due to the taste, it has an impeccable effect. I feel with more runs, it will get a better taste and burn. The jelly — 3.9/5 . . . . . #weedreview #notforsale #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #highsociety #stonerlifestyle #stonersociety #weedsmokers #smokingweed #cannabislove #cannabisconnoisseurscoalition #cannabislifestyle #cannabisconnoisseurconnection #420culture #cannabisgrow #cannabiscures #deepeast #deofarms
Check out more reviews by @lms1__186 on Instagram and Social Club! ( Also for the backup.
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