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Cultivar Review: White Taffy by Doja Exclusive

White Taffy 🍬 by @doja.ek.916

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Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Doja Exclusive

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

White Taffy Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

white taffy by doja exclusive strain review by jointswithjalen

The white taffy has a funky, syrupy sweetness with rich berry notes, along with a gassy, overripe fruit aroma that has some cheese undertones. There’s also a distinct saltwater taffy scent, making it almost intoxicating β€” you just want to keep smelling it. The fragrance brings to mind a funkier, fruitier soap. Honestly, it kinda stinks, in a good way. On the breakdown, it’s floral, gassy, sweet, and sharp with funky undertones.

Upon inhaling, the flavor is a mix of floral, gassy, sugary, and creamy notes, along with tropical hints. The exhale is sweet, gassy, funky, fruity, rich, and creamy with a subtle cheesy finish. The taste is reminiscent of eating salty water taffy. The joint burned evenly with a clean white ash and an oil ring. The smoke was smooth yet thick, creating a satisfying lung expansion. The flavor coats the palate, leaving you wanting more.

As for the high, it’s euphoric, spacey, and relaxing, with a clear-headed feeling. Initially, you might feel a slight pressure above your eyes, making your head feel airy yet heavy. Soon after, the high settles behind your eyes, making them feel relaxed and heavy. A tingling sensation spreads throughout your body, relaxing muscles and nerves, making you feel light and calm. This strain is ideal for the midday to nighttime, perfect for unwinding while watching a movie or enjoying a chill evening.

Overall, I’d rate it a solid 8.9. This is one of favorites from Doja it was definitely smoking πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

white taffy by doja exclusive strain review by jointswithjalen 2

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