Dab Review: MAC1 Rosin by Mafia Melts
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Piff Nation
Processor: Mafia Melts
🔥🔥Fire Rosin Strain🔥🔥
This is my first time trying @mafiamelts and I got 3 different jars to try out (slurricane and garlic cocktail are the other 2). This came to me from the West Coast and so far it’s all been SUPER good stuff. All three jars are leaking terps at this point. MM’s has an IG page but that’s about all I know about them. I really look forward to future drops from them. This jar is also a collab with @piff_nation who are the growers. Shout out to them boys for a fine job. Fire in fire out. They have an IG page as well.
The nose on this jar is exotic af! Straight immediate gas ⛽️ smell combined with a citriusy pine. Once you’ve smelled this stuff you can’t forget it. Very loudddd. The dab from MAC1 is actual really smooth. Taste almost like it smells.This stuff was super fresh and not dried out by any means. Terpy for sure. I actually snagged 2 of these jars and am happy I did. This stuff is a great go to all day dab 👏
Easily getting a score of 9. If you can get your hands on any @mafiamelts – grab what you can! MAC1 is one to keep around for the aliens out there 👽 Very unique and exotic taste/smell profiles.
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MAC1 Dab Review

🧊💧#️⃣ ❤️
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