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Dab Review: PB & Grape Jelly Live Resin by Theory Wellness

Peanut butter (PB) & Grape Jelly live resin – @theorywellness

Lineage/Genetics:🧬 Grape Dawg x Ice Cream Man x Slap N Tickle x Peanut Sundae x Grapeology

Breeder: Theory Wellness

Grower/Processor: Theory Wellness

PB and Grape Jelly Live Resin Review

👅 This cultivar is known for its flavor of creamy nuts and sweet fruit. The Aroma is was a herbal, with hints of sour pine, nutty earth, and sweet fruit.
👃 the smell of this once getting a whiff from the jar sweet vanilla and peppery herbs
🧠 after my first exhale 😮‍💨 I would say It would elevate me to a euphoric creative and relaxed body. After about 30 mins The mind stays mellow and relaxed, floating through a creative euphoria. I used this Sativa dominant concentrate for a nice elevation before going 🎿 and tubing ❄️ on the slopes ⛷ #liveresin #cannabis #cannabisphotography #cannabisreview #peanutbutterjelly

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