Dab Review: Tangerine Takeoff Shatter by First Class Concentrates
“Tangerine Takeoff Concentrates” #hybrid
By: @firstclassconcentratess
Lineage/Genetics: Aroma
Original Breeder: CH9 Female Seeds
Processor: First Class Concentrates
Tangerine Takeoff Shatter Review
I gotta start by saying, their packaging is spot on.
It comes in a plastic wrapping, which is makes it easier to handle😊❤ (plus you don’t feel like your losing your shatter, cause it always sticks to wax paper😉😊)
This #shatter is super easy to manage, and doesn’t stick to your fingers, when your preparing #dabs
It has a super smooth citrus flavor, that will make your #tastebuds wanting more, with a nice #bodystone to help #calm your pain down.
Hippie’s Rating 4/5
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