CaliforniaHemp WrapsPre-rollReviews


On the last day of Hall of Flowers, someone asked me what the single highlight of Hall of Flowers was. I told them the answer was easy: Seeing Xzibit in person at the NAPALM booth. I ended up with a DYN-A-MITE STICK to try – NAPALM’s new live resin infused blunts.


Terpene Profile: Unknown

Georgia Pie DYN-A-MYTE STICK Review

georgia pie dynamite stick by napalm brands preroll review by caleb chen 2First off – what’s a DYN-A-MYTE STICK anyhu – besides a potential flashback to reading Dragon’s Gate as a child or a rusted KEEP OUT OF MINE sign in Nevada. All in all, there’s 2 grams of Georgia Pie flower and 0.3 grams of Georgia Pie live resin. A combo made in peach heaven and held together by a constitution written on hemp paper (a hemp wrap).

This DYN-A-MYTE STICK was the starting pistol bang for a sesh I had with sjweedreview and ko_smokez. Thanks for burning this one down with me.

The hemp wrap burned nicely and the wrap was not too tight. 0.3g of live resin hits significantly smoother than any larger amount. No coughing from any of the parties involved.

Full body, sweet, fruity, reminded me of the feeling of southern hospitality with that little bit of cinnamon tang. I look back on my time in the ATL fondly, and smoking Georgia Pie made me… think of it. You know, word association.

Georgia Pie = baked.

Total cannabinoids listed at 28.07%. Believable – no class action lawsuit pending. I just wish the terpenes were listed! But that seems to be my eternal gripe – and I can imagine the difficulty in getting a pre-roll tested – but it’s just as nice to know the dominant terpene from the flower and the live resin as it is to know the strain name Georgia Pie.

When I smoked this. I stepped behind the mic like Walter Klondike and I got my mind right.

You will too.

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Founder of The Highest Critic
Unpaid /r/trees mod
Certified Ganjier
Kine bud enthusiast

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Caleb Chen

Founder of The Highest Critic Unpaid /r/trees mod Certified Ganjier Kine bud enthusiast

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