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Hash Review: Banana Bread Rosin by Mountain Man Melts

Banana Bread

Lineage/Genetics: (Banana OG x Lambs bread)

Original Breeder: Forbidden Genetics

Single Source: Mountain Man Melts @mountainman.melts.backup

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

Banana Bread Rosin Review

Straight up funky banana candy terps on the nose. Delicious banana candy inhale followed by an even more tasty exhale with a little cake funk at the end.

Amazing color on the rosin, smoked super smooth all throughout.

Powerful sedating effects both body and mind, really enjoyable later in the day.

Overall, very standout banana terps with an unique twist. Additionally it had really powerful effects! Need to get my hands on some more flavors from them this season!

banana bread rosin by mountain man melts hash review by fortheterps

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For The Terps
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For The Terps Showcasing hash rosin flavors for the community.

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