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Hash Review: Honey Bananas Live Rosin by Willamette Valley Alchemy

QPR ( quality/price ratio) is something you’ll hear us talk about frequently. It’s a fundamental pursuit for true connoisseurs of every type and we’ve got another fantastic example of QPR for you with this review!

Honey Bananas Live R o s i n
Dank Maven Rating: Dank (89/100)

Lineage/Genetics: Strawnana x Honey Boo

Maker: Willamette Valley Alchemy @willamette_valley_alchemy

Cultivators: Ground Up Farms @groundupfarms

Breeder: Elemental Seeds @elementalseeds

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

WVA Honey Bananas Live Rosin Review

honey bananas live rosin by willamette valley alchemy hash review by dank maven 2

Appearance: This one is understated from a visual standpoint. The color is light khaki and the consistency is soft play-doh. Overall, the material is clean and free from debris.

Aroma: Fruit/Fuel/Floral/Earth. The fruit comes first with banana, strawberry, cantaloupe & fruit punch. Model glue and shop solvent are persistent fuel notes. We get jasmine, honeysuckle & other more vague white blossoms on the floral side. Bubblegum and pine needles were also noted.

Flavor: Fruit/Floral/Earth/Sweet. We typically start below 500 degrees and move up incrementally to find what we think is the sweet spot of intensity, complexity, smoothness and detail. Right around 500 is a great place to start this one. It’s got a fruit candy note that reminds us of lifesavers along with honeydew, shallot, pine, honeysuckle and jasmine. It leaves an oily coat on the palate that holds the flavor a long time between rips

Experience: It can hit quickly, almost alarmingly so, but smoothes out just as fast and has very pleasant attributes. Intensity is moderate overall and we found the head and body effects to both be very balanced. That translates to something that’s really clear and works well in a variety of situations. It’s especially great if you like to layer your effects to match your activities. As a bonus, we experienced noticeable mood boosts and reduction of anxiety.

honey bananas live rosin by willamette valley alchemy hash review by dank maven

For educational purposes only, nothing for sale or trade

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