Hash Review: Horsepower Cold Cure Hash Rosin by Dino Squish
(90-149U Refined Thru 5u)
Grown by: VVS or Better @vvs_or_better
Produced by: Dino-Squish @eyeofthedino
Lineage/genetics: 1988 HashPlant x Pure Afghan @un0btnbl
Original Breeder: King Cade Gardens x Terpchaser420
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Horsepower Hash Rosin Review

Appeal: 9.45/10
Cracking the seal reveals a beautiful mass of thick n creamy, but wet n moist cold cure rosin badder of white color with amber-tan undertones and beige overtones that’s coated in a shining layer of creamy but partially saucy terps that deliciously melt off the center mass towards the sidewalls. The rosin slices off into thick creamy chunks of cake badder like rosin that carries a squishy juicy fatty-jammy consistency when busted up and then gathered together for a dab. The rosin badder techs into an all-white, waxy surfaced, squishy/brainy/creamy moist mass in the finale.
Aroma: 9.7/10 Nose Volume: 9.5/10
As soon as you open the jar you’re immediately smacked in the face with a hardcore terp profile that’s impressively gassy, as well as loud AF with a full spectrum of sours, diesels, & hashy chem-kush terps – as well as uniquely complex with a deliciously creamy starchy chewy milky salt water vanilla taffy delivery.
The gassy part of the profile carries a base of raw, dank, landrace afghan kush terps, that are bold, & fumey with a powerful raw ethanol diesel-fuel dankness that trails off into a pickled lemon pine OG kush delivery that blends into the starchy, sour-dank, hoppy-veggie-dust, tractor fuel like profile perfectly. The sharp combination of raw kush, lemon-pine fuel, sour dank hops, & old school funky chem diesel really make for a complex gassy profile that’s loaded with hashy dankness. But coming off the backend of the sour dank hoppy funky tractor fuel part of the profile, is a uniquely complex chewy terp (that reminds of the chewiness that the starburst36 profile sometimes has) that brings a deliciously sweet, and hella creamy complexion to the delivery of the gassy-based profile. The chewiness is milky, sweet, starchy & savory- reminding me of a super stretchy salt water caramelized vanilla taffy that emphasizes its milky-candy-chewiness, almost like eating a vanilla Charleston chew dipped in sour dank hoppy diesel. Deep beneath the gas, sours, & creamy chewy sweetness is a tiny pinch of earthy herbal cherry spices & possible hints of a earthy musky purple berry lavender florals that you can sometimes catch a whiff of on the back end of the vanilla sweetness during deep inhales through the nostrils.
Melt: 9.55/10 Oil Longevity: 8.8/10 Flavor Profile: 9.74/10 Flavor Translation: 9.8/10 Vapor/Flavor Cleanliness: 9.69/10 Flavor-Retention: 9.75/10 Lung Pressure: 9.61/10 Smoothness: 9.42/10 Aftertaste: 9.66/10 Distortion: 0.0/10 OA-Performance: 9.66/10
Even at high temps, it has an impressively clean melt, that reveals a nice clean n clear amber color that’s highlighted by golden frothiness as it glides effortlessly through the Toro Terp Slurper. The oil has solid longevity at low to medium temps, while keeping prime flavor retention throughout the entire sesh from start to finish. The oil cooks clean all the way to the cash out, leaving behind nothing but clean n clear golden reclaim that washes away effortlessly in the ISO filled Slurper Soaker, leaving behind absolutely no residual residue stains on the slurper, even while pushing those 600+ degree temps! At low temps it cooks insanely clean while enhancing the smoothness – as well as zeroing in on that unique starchy stretchy chewiness, sour dank hoppy diesel and vegetable fuel funk terps. At high temps, the bold, fumey, afghan kush terps highlighted by earthy sour lemon pine gas & earthy herbal cherry spices take over in dominance while still flexing its unique sweet n creamy chewy (sour hoppy) vanilla taffy terps.
Regardless of temp, the mouth will completely coated in those chewy milky starchy vanilla-taffy like terps. The inhale will be loaded with raw tractor fuel kush, old school funky chem diesel, cookie vanilla cream, and sour hoppy dankness. The exhale is consistently a perfect representation of the entire aroma-profile, having spectacular clarity over all the various terps but leaning towards the vulgar sours, herbal spices, lemon pine OG kush, & chewy taffy terps. The flavor strength was impressively strong, while the mouth coat was incredibly thick, and lasting long after the session- lingering with a cheek staining, and lip smacking aftertaste of that same hoppy dankness and starchy-stretchy vanilla-chewiness that seems to be the highlight of each category! The flavor & vapor were both impressively clean from start to finish without any planty distortion- just a clean translation of mostly smooth terps that was impressively gassy with strong lung pressure that really intensifies how the effects settle in!
Effects 9.7/10 Potency: 9.75/10
I loved this one for its super heavy & chronic medicinal effects! It starts with a sharp rush to the chest during the onset, filling it up with euphoric chest pressure that carries a little bit of (short lived) bodily energy with it. The head also receives immediate heavy-heady-pressure in headband form that wraps around the forehead while emphasizing a toastiness in the temples and behind the already low eyes. After the little bit of initial onset rush wears off, a heavy relaxation sets into both the mind and body, doing some amazing work on muscle relaxation and stress relief, leading me into an anxiety free mental-toastiness that eases into a solid strength couchlock as the buzz progresses. I love this one for nighttime usage. It gets me ready to eat with some serious munchies while getting me in the zone to watch some Penguin or OuterBanks with my lady. After a little bit of munching and tv watching, it slowly but surely gets me ready for bed with its heady restfulness & increased strength of couch lock that consistently gets more powerful as the chronic effects progress for over 3 hours. The low, red eyes & heavy headband pressure last all the way til the end, which is usually sleep that has you waking up fresh the next day! Another side note is this was one of my favorites to sesh on when tripping on psychedelics, as it has the power and potency to reach you through the trip to give you much needed relief through its heavy rest and relaxation when you need it the most.
Quality: 9.64/10 Preferences: 9.74/10 Performance: 9.66/10 Overall Enjoyment: 9.69/10
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my first jar of DinoSquish/ VVS OR BETTER. Every category was not only satisfactory but was truly enjoyable! Every box was beyond checked. The rosin was beautiful with clean color that was properly cured with a nice balance of creamy moisture in its thick but juicy badder consistency. The terp profile was highly preferred with its combination of powerful gasses and unique complexities. The nose was excessively loud while the flavor was delicious, strong, & clean. The vapor was especially gassy, clean and smooth with a memorable aftertaste that really adds to the jars enjoyability. & while I mostly smoked it for its insanely unique chewy tastes, this jar also kept me reaching for it due to its gassy sours, medicinal properties, hardcore effects, & powerful potency. Big thanks to @sddankexclusive16 for turning me on to my first jar of Dino Squish / VVS. It was truly off the chain and the ticket was compassionately priced causing it to have a great flame:ticket ratio. I highly recommend the HorsePower (or any of their jars for that matter) to anyone reading this!
[All hash was consumed by me personally (Cali_Bud_Reviews aka @vendorverify) and is NEVER FOR SALE! All reviews are written by consumer for consumer. Scores are based on MY OWN personal satisfaction. My descriptors are personal opinions made from my unique experience and may vary from user to user. This cold cured hash rosin was consumed & reviewed off a Toro Terp Slurper & through a Whit V Recycler at 623*F with some occasional low temp dabs of 530*F and below.]

And last but not least, I give a huge shout out of gratitude to @thehighestcritic for hosting my (& other authors) reviews in a safe place outside of Instagram!
Cheers! Thanks for Reading!
& Happy Hunting!
-CBR 11/18/24
Check out more reviews by @cali_bud_reviews on Instagram (www.instagram.com/cali_bud_reviews) and YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDx2wiI-UdUUahelnk9SPXQ)!