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Hash Review: OZ Kush Rosin by Valley Grove

OZ Kush

Lineage/Genetics: (OG Eddy Lepp x Zkittlez)

Original Breeder: Dying Breed Seeds

Prcessor: Valley Grove

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

OZ Kush Hash Rosin Review

oz kush rosin by valley grove hash review by fortheterps

One of my favorite Z terps of all time, I had this jar frozen for a year or so. This pheno was leaning more towards the Z, however it still had that kush twist to it adding to its flavor and potency.

Sweet sour candy Z on the inhale which gets amplified on the exhale, followed by a subtle hint of kush. Extremely delicious on the palate, mouthwatering. Really potent as well. Got me mentally zoned out. Physically very relaxing and unwinding.

I was lucky to get my hands on this jar from the homie @valleygrove_ at Litty In The City. Homie took sample dabs with me and also put me on the BP Wilson he had, which had some tasty funky banana terps.

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For The Terps
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For The Terps Showcasing hash rosin flavors for the community.

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