Hash Review: Sour Diesel Rosin by Ember Valley
Sour Diesel rosin
Processed by: Ember Valley
THC content: 79.39%
Sum of Cannabinoids: 82.22%
Lineage/Genetics: 91 chem x super skunk NL hybrid
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Ember Valley Sour Diesel Rosin Review

Appearance: Like some beautiful greasy white badder! Like warm cake frosting. It’s definitely a visually appealing rosin. It has all those movie star good looks you’d want in a good quality sample of cold cure. What I like a lot of this one is how workable the consistency is. It’s greasy without being sticky. I have a heated tool that I use but I imagine this would be easy enough to dunk if you had the inclination. Fresh out of the fridge it’s really stable but I let it warm up in my pocket a bit and it definitely gets a lot wetter when allowed to get to room temp.
Aroma: There is literally nothing fruity about this profile and I absolutely love it. Don’t get me wrong, I can definitely go for a fruity cultivar but this gal is just all gas no breaks! Like its namesake implies it smells like straight freshly pumped diesel spilled on hot asphalt. If you go smelling for the respective parents of sour I do smell that savory-ness from the skunk coming through as well as the sour astringency from the chem. Combined it’s just one of the strongest, stankiest aromas to bless gods green earth. This rosin almost has a piney/rubbery finish at the end of it that almost makes your eyes water if you go in for it.
Flavor: like the nose the taste is super gas forward so much so it actually stains the tongue to wear that’s pretty much all I taste for a few minutes after taking a good sized dab. It coats the roof of your mouth with a deep sour gassy pine. It has some rubber in there too but it’s kind of an afterthought to the oil refinery in your mouth. I personally love this flavor but I remember I had a friend years back that really didn’t like headband or sour whenever I had it because she said it tasted too much like gasoline. If all you like is sweet stuff this might not be for you but for those who know and it enjoy this is a wonderful representation of this flavor done well.
Effect: This rosin gets me very noticeably high. It’s not often modern cultivars do that to me these days but sour just makes my eyes Spicoli levels of red! This rosin just knocks you with some straight pressure. I feel it a lot in my eyes. The body load on this one is pretty significant as well. The muscles around them feel a lot more relaxed. The effect on the mind is simultaneously tranquil with a strong dash of stimulation. That’s the thing with good sour is that you can use it any time of day as long as you don’t mind being ridiculously baked. If you smoke it enough though, you will sleep. 😴
Overall: I love Ember valley rosin. I tried their Dole Hwip earlier this year loved it so much I ended up buying at least a quarter oz of that batch. So when I saw they had a new drop of Sour D rosin I had to pick it up. I almost picked something else but I came to my senses at the last moment and I’m really glad I did because this one slaps. There’s always talk of who has real sour these days but this one definitely reminds me of what I would get as a teenager in Northern California. Super pungent nose that’ll burn you nostrils while knocking your D in the dirt at the same time. Job well done. 👏

Judah Terpson
Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞