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Hash Review: Z Breath Rosin by Mountain Man Melts

Z Breath rosin

Lineage/Genetics: ( Z x Mendo Breath)

Original Breeder: Unknown

Processor: Mountain Melts @mountainman.melts.backup

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

Z Breath Rosin Review

This one stinks up a room, straight kush/ earthy stench with a little Z in there. Mouthwatering dank smell.

Earthy, Kush/dank taste with a hint of the funk from Z on the inhale. Same flavor deepens and lingers in your mouth at the exhale. Delicious dank palate!

Smoke was smooth, tasty and clean all throughout the jar.

Relaxing body high that also puts you in a nice headspace, gets you ready for some rest.

Overall delicious taste, super clean smoke, and very relaxing effects. Great addition to the terp palate!

z breath by mountain melts hash rosin review by fortheterps

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For The Terps
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