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Hash Review: Zkittlez Piattella by Uncle’s Farm

Had the pleasure to pull up to @astorclubla with my @werollupla fam to meet @uncles_farm_csc to checkout the new piattella drops.

Processor: Uncle’s Farm

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Cannabis Consumption Lounge: Astor Club LA

Zkittlez Piattella Review

This here is the “zkittles” made with 6 star fresh frozen bubble hash , the nose is nothing but heavy pungent Z terps with a deep rainbow candy aroma and a slight sour note to it. The flavor was some of the best I’ve ever had, pungent zkittles with a dash of sour gas and rainbow belts. Effects were up to par, very mellow and chill followed by creative vibes. Overall a very unique special experience, I highly recommend you trying some original piattella!!

zkittlez piattella by uncles farm from astor club la hash review by thethcspotreviews

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