Shroom Review: Hillbilly Infused Chocolate by 42Myco
Psilo infused Chocolate
Crafted by: 42myco
Strength/Dosage: 5g of fruit per bar, five 1 gram sections.
Mfg date: 03/04/24
Mushroom strain: Hillybilly
Amount ingested: 1-2.5 grams
42Myco Hillbilly Chocolate Review

Appearance: looks like a good quality chocolate bar! The person who made these did a good job blending everything together nicely and packaged just as well. The whole bar is 5 grams separated into five perforated segments. The chocolate itself was pretty dense but still easy to snap a chunk off.
Taste: The mushrooms were really well mixed because it wasn’t lumpy or chunky at all. The flavor is sweet creamy coca with a little bit of an earthiness to it that isn’t unpleasant at all but provides a nice contrast to the sweetness of the chocolate.
Effect: the first piece of chocolate I ate settled and I felt the come up rising at a about the 30 minute mark. Hillybilly’s are a very friendly cube that isn’t really overwhelming in the sense that you can definitely feel its presence but you’re not afraid of its influence. Colors are brighter sounds are a bit sharper but I can really feel it the most in my body. It’s a nice sense of well-being the just makes me feel content to breathe deeply and find my center. I get the yawns from these which doesn’t always happen. After about 90 minutes or so I had pretty vivid OEV and I was content to just lay down close my eyes and just lose myself in some music for a while. It’s always more intense when I just close my eyes and just try to stand on the peak. It’s a really nice feeling to just completely let go and these definitely achieve that if you take enough f them. After about 5 hours I felt about back to baseline.
Overall: This was only the third time I’ve had mushroom infused chocolate but these are best I’ve had thus far. Shoutout to the homie 42B_myco for the hook up. This guy has some of the best mushrooms you’ll ever try. 🤙

Judah Terpson
Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞