Strain Review: BTY Fresa by Terplandia (BTY x Heisenbern)
BTY Fresa by @_heisenbern_ @btyfresa
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Brand: Terplandia BTY Heisenbern
Terpene Profile: Unknown
BTY Fresa Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Strawberry Creamy Gassy terps done right. Just like those candies nonna used to have but never bought them, shits just spawned in her pocket
Attempted a lot recently but none of them come close to how this one is smoking. Everything from them is just stuuupid.
Mixed this with the BTY OG and that had me stuck stuck. Wont ever pass up on grabbing this when its around.
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Documenting my hunt to find 10/10 smoke. From small batch to hype flower from the West/East coast and everything in between NYC