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Strain Review: Candy Apple Pop by Empire Genetics

The homies are killin the game with these new drops! “CANDY APPLE POP” the crosses are blueberry , pineapple and afghan kush ,to me it has a heavy apple fritter aroma with a gassy candy gelato on the back end.

Lineage/Genetics: Blueberry x Pineapple x Afghan Kush

Original Breeder/Grower: Empire Genetics

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Candy Apple Pop Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

candy apple pop by empire genetics strain review by thethcspot

The high was heavy on the euphoric side , coming in with a strong balanced head high. The nugs were fresh , sticky and frosty ! @therealempiregenetics y’all did it on this one ☝️ I will be sure to let you guys know about future drops 💯 #candyapplepop

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