Strain Review: Chocolope by TGOD (The Green Organic Dutchman)
Discover organic (Chocolope) by TGOD @thegreenorganicdutchman is a beautiful sativa with bold smells and flavors, yet a gentle, mild buzz.
Lineage/Genetics: Cannalope Haze x Chocolate Thai
Original Breeder: DNA Genetics
Grower: The Green Organic Dutchman (TGOD)

TGOD Chocolope Strain Review
Perfect for day time use, this strain has been a nice go to for an aid to my daily chores. Full of active THC, as well as limonene, caryophyllene, guaiol and ocimene, this strain is one to get if you want to treat yourself to quality, organic cannabis. TGOD is a great grower as well, using living soil and live sunlight cycles, which I believe may be the cause of the crazy high levels of active THC. #tgod #discoverorganic #chocolope #organic #sativa #canadianstoners #canadiancannabis #girlsthatsmoke #smoke #ganja #cannabis #ontariocannabis #ocs #420 #wedontsmokethesame #ganjagirls #cannabiscommunity #budtender #budtenderlife #cannaqueen #nature #dope #lit #highsociety #high #spoiledsmoker #smokesignals #cloudsovercanada #terpenes #terpsCheck out more reviews by @cannasteph on Instagram! (