CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: DosiKiller by Jungle Boys (2023)



(Girl Scout Cookies x Face Off OG) X (True OG x Pestilence) X (Girl Scout Cookies x Pink Panties)

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Jungle Boys

Terpene Profile: Unknown

DosiKiller Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

SMELL: 7.6/10

FLAVOUR: 8.1/10



STRENGTH: 9.2/10


dosikiller by jungle boys strain review by cannoisseurselections

Bringing back memories from lockdown, I decided to reminisce and experience smoking the classic Dosi Killer once again. Upon opening I received a refreshing Sherbet and Girl Scout Cookie infused gas, with strong traits of peanut alongside earthy, slight minty and chemical undertones. The buds had a typical JBs structure, and were of a hard density, having both a combined boulder and foxtail structure. They were a shade of light green, with sporadic purple hues, alongside messy rustic pistils, and covered by a thick layer of trichomes. Upon inhaling my palate was instantly overcome by notes translating from the smell. Delivering an interesting gas with different layers, primarily exhibiting its Sunset Sherbet and pungent Girl Scout Cookies lineage, with strong dominant peanut overtones, further complemented by an infusion of floral, earthy, minty and pine undertones. The taste of this unique gas was retained on my tastebuds upon exhaling. The joint produced ash being a shade of medium silver, alongside an instantaneous dripping and oozing resinous oil ring, smoking smooth and tasting clean. To conclude, although with Dosi Killer’s taste not being overly to my personal preference, I can still appreciate the lineage displayed perfectly, especially the Do-si-dos. With the acquired taste and undesirable shade of ash aside, DK still smoked relatively well and will always be a staple on the Jungleboys line up.

dosikiller by jungle boys strain review by cannoisseurselections 2.webp

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