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Strain Review: Durban Poison by SHERBINSKIS

Durban Poison
Package date: 11/16/22

Lineage/Genetics: African Landrace

Original Breeder: Unknown


Terpene Profile: Unknown

SHERBINSKIS Durban Poison Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

durban poison by sherbinskis strain review by reviews_by_jude

Score 4.3/5 Appearance: It looks just how well grown Durban Poison should. It’s really dense for a sativa with lime green dominating and some forest green accents peppering the nooks and crannies. This sample grown by Sherbinksi is especially resinous but not super sticky. It may not look like anything crazy compared a lot of modern crosses but it has earned it’s place in my

Aroma: 4.9/5 I may be biased but this is one of my favorite smells of all time. I would literally wear it as a cologne if they made one. There’s nothing artificial about this terpene profile whatsoever. What this flower lacks in visual aesthetic it makes up for in terpocity. (I made that word up just now) When I first opened the jar I’m hit with a powerful aroma of lemon balm some key lime and maybe even a bit of grapefruit. Under that fruit is that earthy herbaceous essence that really rounds out this terpene profile. When I smell it I think it would make the best tea blend on earth. There’s a bit of a licorice and pinene that stick out for me as well. It’s super pungent. If I smell too long I almost get the urge to sneeze.

Score 4.9/5 Flavor/smokeability: The reason I love Durban Poison so much is that when grown well the smell almost perfectly translates to the taste. For me It’s lip smacking anise, lime, pine with a very herbal back end. Almost grassy I would say but in the best way possible. This is me of those cultivars that maintains its flavor all the way through the joint. It really stains the palate. Not only that but the smoke is just insanely smooth and enjoyable. The joint produced a clean white ash with a noticeable resin ring. One of those ones that keeps your coming back for more.

Score 4.7 Effect: This strain took a few minutes to creep up on more but good goddamn is it strong. I haven’t had Durban in a long time so I wasn’t prepared for this kind of soaring energetic sativa high. Immediately I just feel happier when smoking it. It has an uplifting effect on the mood as well as energy level. I didn’t sleep well at all last night but one joint of Durban and I was able to complete all the chores I had to do faster than I usually would. Beyond the mental aspects I would say it’s really physically relaxing as well without being sedating. I have a pretty decent tolerance but I find myself no needing to reload as much as with other strains.

Overall score 18.8/20 solid A
I was really happy to find this the other day especially grown by Sherbinski. I’ve been on the hunt to try more top level flower that does not have cookies in it which is increasingly harder to come by these days. I was very impressed by this. I typically don’t buy anything with a package date for Oder than 2 months but I’m glad I took the chance on this one.

durban poison by sherbinskis strain review by reviews_by_jude 2

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Judah Terpson
Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

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Judah Terpson Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

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