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Strain Review: French Toast by Munchies Factory

The French Toast strain packaging is Cinnamon Toast Crunch inspired.

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Munchies Factory

Terpene Profile: Unknown

French Toast Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

fresh toast by munchies factory strain review by caleb chen.jpg

The smell has doughy and creamy notes but overpowered in gas. Almost oniony lemony gas.

Imagine if you had French toast, arson style. All accelerant. The high is the right foot on the gas pedal and the left foot on the brake. Which most people know ends with the slowdown winning. Mellow.

Taste was full body smoke but mostly muted gas. Nug was noticeably dry and turned to powder even in a non metal grinder.

The smoke did get my stomach acids churnin and gave me the munchies pretty darn fast.

Maybe it was the packaging but Munchies factory freal. Good packaging all the way to the trim.

I can feel a stomach churn that comes from not the munchies but from that taste that I’ve had before in a similar looking and smelling nug. Candy, gas, a little bit of soap but I’ll get off my box.

A creeper high for sure. Glad I got to try this because it’s my first time seeing single serve cereal box cannabis. First for everything!

fresh toast by munchies factory strain review by caleb chen 2.jpg

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Founder of The Highest Critic
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Caleb Chen

Founder of The Highest Critic Unpaid /r/trees mod Certified Ganjier Kine bud enthusiast

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