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Strain Review: Fritz by The Cure Company

New line of product by @thecurecompany @seedjunkygenetics_jbeezy seen this being talked about so I had to get it.

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Seed Junky Genetics

Grower: The Cure Company

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Fritz Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

fritz by the cure company strain review by thethcspot 3

Off the back these nuggets looked amazing , the nose was fire and the effects were potent!

Flavor was okay nothing crazy for the price point I cannot complain! , overall it’s a must try. I believe they have a few other strains as well. Let me know if anyone tried the other strains 💯 #thecurecompany #fritz #seedjunkygenetics

fritz by the cure company strain review by thethcspot

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