FlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Golosa by Ancient Roots Ohio

Today, we will taking a look at the strain Golosa, a Tier-2 flower option in Ohio that is currently being cultivated by @ancientrootsoh (and possibly others)!

Lineage/Genetics: Grapefruit x Blueberry x Bay 11

Original Breeder: Delicious Seeds

Grower: Ancient Roots Ohio

Golosa Strain Review

Golosa is an indica-dominant hybrid is a cross between Grapefruit and Blueberry that was then crossed with Bay 11.

Golosa translates into English as sweet toothed, greedy, or tempting, and is known to elicit strong feelings of body relief, relaxation, and sedation while displaying sweet and fruity aromas of grapefruit, mint, and coffee. Golosa displays darks color that turn almost jet black towards the end of flowering.

Have you had a chance to try Golosa yet?
#Golosa #AncientRoots #OhioMarijuana #OhioMarijuanaCard

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