Strain Review: Honey Truffle Munchkins by Certz
Honey Truffle Munchkins from Certz.
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Certz
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Honey Truffle Munchkins Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
I picked this up when I went out to the event. His people recommended this, so I was a little surprised when I scanned the flowcode and it was deleted by the original owner? Makes me think about people who say CA folks are dumping their stuff they can’t push out west onto us. Hopefully not the case, but what do you guys think?
I want to say this bud wasn’t as new as the stuff in the turkey bag that was released specifically for this tour. Tons of flakes in my grinder from this bag compared to the other one. It smokes fine so that doesn’t really matter to me in the end. Just an observation I’ve noticed.
It tastes candy but not the usual gelato. Sweet candy but not the usual suspect so it’s a cool switch up. The potency is there too so this is a good pickup in my opinion. Cop or Drop? Cop if you don’t care about (possible) age, but this is a Drop if you’re particular about your bud. It’s nowhere near trash, just a matter of personal preference.
P.S. I don’t have many standards as far as what I’ll try. Weed is weed. If it’s smokeable it’s smokeable.
#honeytrufflemunchkins #weed
#certz #turkeybagtour
#philly #2022