Strain Review: Jelly Roll aka RS19 by Deep East
“Jelly roll” by Deep east .. genetics on this beauty are Rainbow sherbert v2 x Pink Guava pheno # 19 ..
Lineage/Genetics: Rainbow Sherbet V2 x Pink Guava No. 19
Original Breeder: Deep East
Grower: DEO Farms
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Jelly Roll Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review by TheTHCSpot
This Jelly roll burning insanely sweeet straight up guava terps , that flavor that stays in your lungs after every hit. I also got some nice Rs terps in the mix but not as strong as the guava terps but definitely tasty. Effects were up to par ,I was productive and had a nice sense of clarity while feeling stoney as well. Overall a great experience,it smoked good ,it taste good and hit good ! S/o @deepeast for always bringing fire genetics 🔥🔥🙏
Deep East Jelly Roll Review by TheCannaisseurKing
🌈🍧1️⃣9️⃣ Jelly Roll AKA RS19 RainbowSherbV2PinkGuava#19
@deofarms @cgo_lyfestyle @_wahak @lulnugs
Perfect timing, right after the almighty RS11 from @theprodigal_co , we got Jelly Roll! Crack open the bag and you definitely get this different Sherbert look, got a lot more color, more purple than the orange! Super dialed in batch, the nose you get is almost like a plain RS11, it wants to be RS11 with the same similar terps but it just isn’t as heavy. More smooth and creamy. The break up on the nugs tho the nose gets a little more potent smelling like a tart cream diluted RS. It’s got that heavy RS11 aroma just not as strong and gassy. More creamy and calm! Rolled up like a champ with the perfect denseness of the nugs! Sticky and ground up great in the @flowermillusa . The airflow reminded me of again, a diluted creamish heavy RS11 minus the gas and sharpness to the tang! Sparked up instantly, didn’t have no problem lighting! Rolled in the perfect @organitips . Loving the smaller size for sure! First few hits were real smooth. Creamy sweet taste minus that gassy afterNote! Only get that RS11 taste towards the middle and even then it’s different! Got a lot of power coming down the J for sure. Inhales get more a little more tasty. Noticeable RS terp with that nice creamy gas exhale. Real potent! Heavy high, definitely smoked some more but we were all sayin that it tasted crazy and got us pretty lit 🔥 Didn’t expect it to be much like #11 But definitely had to compare the two! Much love @cgo__lyfestyle for lettin me review this super fire personal batch from the men themselves! #TheTown to #SacTown #ThenBackdown #SacOnTheMap #DeepEast #Jelly #Roll #WhatsNext? #StayTuned #BigMoves #Kings #Cam #Wood #Explore #UpMySleeve #ExoticAshtray #Preferred #Reviewer #FlavorChaser #Rainbow #Sherbert #19 #PAID #StackAndChase #TooTasty #StayUp #TheOriginal #King #Cannasaurus👑🦖