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Strain Review: Planet Milk by Alien Labs

“PLANET MILK” micro batch , Planet dosi x Milky Way , first off the nose was fire very good pungent piney milky terps , the nugs looked amazing and full of trichomes.

Lineage/Genetics: Planet Dosi x Milky Way

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Alien Labs

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Planet Milk Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

planet milk by alien labs strain review by thethcspot

For it being 20% thc it was pretty good , the only thing is it smoked a little harsh and the high didn’t last too long but it was definitely a treat. I still prefer the bizcante though!! It’s all good Alien labs always brings the heat 🔥 @returnofthealien @allienlabs_ shoutout to @catalyst_cannabisco for the amazing deal! #alienlabs #catalystcannabis #planetmilk

Alien labs coming in with another exclusive micro batch , very excited I got to try this one.
It was an interesting smoke for sure.

planet milk by alien labs strain review by thethcspot 2

Appreciate everyone rocking with me through out this whole journey.
Much love y’all !

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