CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Rose Bustdown Haupia by Shopping Carts



(Zkittles x Sunset Sherbet) x (Zkittles x Gelato)

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Shopping Carts

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Rose Bustdown Haupia Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

rose bustdown haupia by shopping carts strain review by cannoisseurselections 2

SMELL: 9/10

FLAVOUR: 7/10 (can’t be accurate)



STRENGTH: 8.5/10


Being able to get another authentic local Cali brand, rather than UK fed brands had me excited to try this, especially on hearing the cross. Upon opening, I was instantly hit by a really pleasant creamy and sweet grape soda mixed with the distinctive Runtz gassy and dark candy, an amazing smell. The buds looked beautiful, the structure was more foxtail than dense. They were coated in trichomes covering shades of dark purple and green. A complex taste at that, on the inhale I received a faint sweet grape and Runtz candy infusion, but it has been overpowered by a heavy gassy and sherbet taste. This wasn’t too much of the issue, unfortunately, although an impressive oil ring, I found my ash very dark, sometimes black. The joint didn’t go out at all, however I noticed it didn’t combust as easily as normal and was struggling. The bud was bone dry and cured to perfection, and overall really smelt, sounded and looked really impressive. I’m not sure if it was the overly purple shade or the grow in general that let this one down, but the way it smoked, I would not buy again, should have just let this one go as mids without packs IMO. Hopefully they get this great lineage dialled all the way in.

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