Strain Review: Sweet Retreat by Doja Exclusive x Fiya Farmer
(Thin Mint Cookies x Zkittles) X (Bacio Gelato x Georgia Pie)
Original Breeder: Fiya Farmer
Brand: Doja Exclusive
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Sweet Retreat Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

SMELL: 8.8/10
FLAVOUR: 8.1/10
STRENGTH: 9.1/10
Having tried and enjoyed Fiya Farmers Zangria, and hearing good things regarding Illmatic (both being nice and unique drops in their own right), it was a pleasure to now be able to obtain both strains crossed, making the delightful Sweet Retreat. Upon opening, I instantly received a strong aroma of a smoothie. I could smell notes of strawberry, and light apple, behind a pungent creamy peach essence, with a really faint gassy Gelato backend (paying homage to one of its dominant parents, Georgia Pie). The buds looked stunning, having a perfect density, and structure. They were light green, with sporadic purple hues, and rustic orange hairs, sitting on top of a universe of trichomes. On inhaling, my palate was overcome by a sweet grape and peach dominant concoction, with subtle creamy strawberry notes. This sweet flavour transcended into a light but gassy cookie influenced backend, with very faint traces of mint, leaving the taste of sweet, smoothie gas on exhaling. The joint produced ash being a shade just under white, alongside an oozing oil ring. It smoked smoothly and tasted clean. As a first run this came out decent, hoping the next batches are dialled in even further. Although there are other smoothie tasting strains (through a different lineage to SR), this strain currently has a unique flavour profile among the current menus we see today, mainly consisting of Zkittles and candy strains. Based on that reason, although an acquired taste, I would repurchase occasionally.

Sweet Retreat Review by DOPAMINE
Sweet Retreat 🍬🏝
[illmatic #5 X Zangria]
Powered By: @doja.exclusive x @doja.ek.916
Cultivated By: @doja.exclusive X @fiyafarmer
Original Breeder: @fiyafarmer
Class: Branded Exotic [WestCoast]
Flavor Line: Doja Exclusive
Sweet Retreat is a creation born from a collaboration between the guys at DojaPak and the mind of FiyaFarmer. In a run to come out with some new heat for the people, this brung about a run through of 60 strains that were brought to the Doja camp from F.F. with the goal of discovering a completely new flavor palate for the Doja Line-up. I was sent the session batch 01, and fell in love, and in this we’re going to see how the dispo batch holds up.
The flavor of the aroma is as it describes from its name, extremely sweet and unique. The sweetness in this isn’t candy, that isn’t what is in store here, what you get is this sugary, slightly fruity, and cream-like natural funk of a flavor. It’s very pleasurable, and the aroma becomes more apparent even in its breakdown. What I will say is the dispensary batches are nearly 1-1 on all marks, but that very first batch of course, came off much more striking to your nose. This is expected.
This flavor transfers completely into the taste, as you take a dry pull off of a jay you’ll see this come through to you. In your first few strikes, you’ll notice an uplift not only in mood but also in activity in your head and specifically behind your eyes. The activity begins heavy and chill, and increases from here making it feel like your skull is a weight. I found myself very talkative, and extremely comfortable in a space. Halfway through the smoke, those mellow effects drag your body along with it creating a numbing sensation and continuing that buzzing activity in the center of your chest. You should feel low and slow with a flavor that matches your calm state, and right up to the end of the high it’s pretty dope.
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I followed this strain through whenever the official drop was, and was excited to see it selected to be around from now on. My original page was taken by Instagram, and so was the audio interview answers between Doja.Ek.916 and I, however they’ll tell you just as I did, those dessert-esque terps are next up.
We’re doing this one a bit different, two ratings at once for blending two reviews at once:
SW Session Batch 01 – 8.0/10.0
SW Dispo Jar – 7.7/10.0
Based on the difference of longevity as well as:
Terpene Profile/Potency
Strike/Effect 💯