Strain Review: The Hearse by Doja Exclusive
The Hearse
Lineage/Genetics🧬 – Motorbreath 15 x Coffin Candy
Original Breeder: Duke of Erb
Brand: Doja Exclusive @doja.pak
Terpene Profile: Unknown
The Hearse Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

The nose for me was mostly a heavy stank with the first crack of the bag, just screams the Motorbreath in this cross. Slight sweetness in the back end of the nose to not make it a complete stink, but mostly an old-school type of nose to me which i enjoyed.
The taste for me was surprisingly a whole lot sweeter than I thought it was going to be. The coffin candy came out strong in the smoke. Strawberry with heavier candy notes. A little gassier funk in the exhale, but I also feel like I’m picking up some slight citrus as well. More of a heavier gassy funk as the smoke went so that was a nice way to end it.
The effects hit me early on. Heaviness in the eyes four or five hits in. This is a potent smoke. Body heavy and mind fuzzy. Drifting off to an easy smoke once you finally feel like moving lol. Didn’t take long to take full effects and easy 2+ hours of the full thing.
Honestly this is one of my favorite Doja drops in a while. Flower was incredibly fresh and sticky. Nice assortment of greens and oranges. Unique blend of smell & taste with quick and hard hitting effects. It’s not often i look to get a drop twice, but I’d definitely grab this again! Shoutout @ninetythreeoctane.nj & the whole @smokeadelphia215 team! And of course @doja.pak for the top tier smoke!

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