CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Velvet No 5 by Suprize Suprize


Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Brand: Suprize Suprize

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Velvet No 5 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

“Suprize Suprize” this dank is fireeeeeeee as shit. I opened the bag it smelled like a bakery that was prepping vanilla icing for the day!

@royal_key_organics and @suprize_suprize have been consistent with quality as a standard. The buds were coated in delicious terp filled trichomes.

Sticky to the touch and my grinder had a hard time breaking it down. Kinda let’s you know your about to have a good time. The smoke was expansive and smooth.

White ash and resin ring. The high is really euphoric at first but as time goes on it put me down.

Sleep was not avoidable. Rock a bye baby!!! This was a steal please don’t sleep.

I give the velvet no5 9/10

velvet no 5 by suprize suprize strain review by the_cannabis_connoisseurs

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Enjoying life and kush
One puff at a time #fuckbraintumors
🎵@simplygeniusent 💙@catalyst_cherry2
New song “Truth” drops 6/19 @ 9pm

flower mill ad - X grind, yes mill


Enjoying life and kush One puff at a time #fuckbraintumors 😤@_dank_all_day_ 🎵@simplygeniusent 💙@catalyst_cherry2 New song “Truth” drops 6/19 @ 9pm

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