CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Zkittlez by LA Family Farms zkittlez review

Lineage/Genetics: Disputed

Original Breeder: Gas Station Bob

Popularized by: Terphogz x 3rd Gen Family Farm

Grower: LA Family Farms

Terpene Profile: Unknown

LA Family Farms Zkittlez Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

This one blew me away. Upon opening the bag I get hit with loud but faint terps of linen and ice cream. It reminded me of when you first enter a ice cream parlor. Clean, floral,candy flavor and slight pepper. This zkittlez high is sensational. Mentally glorious. I am on a ride that keeps going higher and higher. It’s so good I thought about grabbing another one. That says it all.

I give this a solid 8 out of 10.

zkittlez by la family farms strain review by the_cannabis_connoisseurs

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Enjoying life and kush
One puff at a time #fuckbraintumors
🎡@simplygeniusent πŸ’™@catalyst_cherry2
New song β€œTruth” drops 6/19 @ 9pm

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Enjoying life and kush One puff at a time #fuckbraintumors 😀@_dank_all_day_ 🎡@simplygeniusent πŸ’™@catalyst_cherry2 New song β€œTruth” drops 6/19 @ 9pm

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