Tincture Review: Pillow Factory RSO Tincture from Muv
RSO Tincture [Strain:Pillow Factory 🏭 600mg] from @muv.fl
Brand: Muv
Pillow Factory RSO Tincture Review
I’ve been using this product for a week now and wow it works wonders. Just like the name pillow factory this stuff put me to bed and really helped keep me sleeping. It has a nice peppermint taste which is nice and it’s nice put some in lavender tea 🫖 10/10 would definitely get again. #muv #muvfl #rso #pillowfactory #mmjcommunity #mmj #mmjpatients #bongappetit #cannabisfitnessclub #cannabisfitness #flcannabiscommunity #indica
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