Vape Review: Nuvata Vaporizers
Nuvata Vapes
Brand: Nuvata
As the mornings start to get a little crisper and the leaves around us start to exhibit their transformation into beautiful Fall foliage, it sure starts to look and feel like October all around us. When hunting for the October review pick, A certain product recently caught my attention and I knew I had to share it with you all. This literal pocket sized vaporizer is definitely not like the rest, it stands out among the sea of many vapes all around us. The good folks over at Nuvata really has an original approach to their not so normal vape. Palm sized, self pull and disposable, the Nuvata vaporizers are literally the easiest and most convenient way to medicate in any situation, and these little gems are also are very discreet. Nuvata is one of the first products on the market to actually market the terpene profile of each vape instead of just marking it Indica or Sativa. The Nuvata team explains their vape and their process as, “Our process of combining cannabinoids and terpenoids, paired with our deep understanding of the ‘entourage effect’, allows us to create enhanced states of mind, body, and everywhere in between. Terpenoid research is the fascinating frontier of cannabis innovation, and through it, we can customize sensational effects to provide a personalized experience. Nuvata’s goal is to make it simple and easy for you to enjoy the wellness, mindfulness, and fun that cannabis can bring to life.”
Leading the concept and the team at Nuvata is Wesley Holloway, Cort Edmonds, Ahmad Jones and Tucker Cason. These guys have went above and beyond to assure the Nuvata experience is a quality experience for all Cannabis users that try their vapes. Nuvata has been a familiar brand in the California Cannabis Market, and has made waves emerging into the Oklahoma Cannabis Market…. Read the full review in The Chronic Magazine
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Nuvata Vaporizers Review

Published Reviews/ Canna-Enthusiast/Journalist/Advocate