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Strain Review: Rabz de Medici by Rabz Dabz

Rabz de Medici – @rabz_dabz

Lineage/Genetics 🧬- wedding cake 🎂 bx1 X Blue lime pie 🥧

Original Breeder/Grower: Rabz Dabz

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Rabz de Medici Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

I finally got the opportunity to try some of the wonderful flower from Rabz that I’ve always heard amazing things about and it didn’t disappoint from the initial smell when opening the bag or that first glance of the beautiful nugs . It was overall what I hope to find in flower .

👀 beautiful color it’s almost a rainbow of different hues of green, purple and orange to create a beautiful looking bud
👃 super gassy smell that could start a car
👅 Great taste gassy sweetness to aid in a relaxing Sunday . The flavor of this cultivar is what keeps me coming back for another rip, it’s smooth but with flavor that you don’t want to go away.
🧠 After smoking a joint of this I was anxiety free because sundays always get me all nervous because my upcoming work week . Instantly after my first exhale I feel a wave come over and take any worries or problems I had away . Giving a me a clear head to just enjoy the day. I can definitely say I’m a fan of this flower great effects, looks and smell #rabzdabz #cannabis #floridacannabis #florida

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