CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Zrilla by Official Gooniez x 12 Alarm Fire

Zrilla 🧟‍♂️🧠

Lineage/Genetics: [Unknown Lineage]

Original Breeder/Grower: Official Gooniez x 12 Alarm Fire

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Zrilla Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Collaboration By: @officialgooniez X @12alarmfire
Powered By: @officialgooniez X @12alarmfire

This is super dope. A collaboration by two of my top favorites and I’m extremely fucking with the end result. Zrilla will make you feel like a zombie. In flavor, it’s natural. You get these hints of funk and stank that’s like a cheese, with a subtle taste of sugar mint. So much dank terpy flavor comes out of this; in the dry pull after it’s rolled it peeks out a bit more.

At the first strike, you’ll feel the uplift from a strong THC hit. Even enough to start a small sweat for some. As you puff on it, you might start coughing off the bat. The pressure of this flower is straight-forward, and will bust your chest open if you aren’t an indica smoker normally. A third of the way through, you’ll start to feel a heaviness in your head, and you’re mental starts to chill itself. After this point, smoking on it can really sedate you down to the floor. This would be the perfect strain for those who deal with muscle pains, and even smooth enough for those who struggle with conditions like arthritis. You’ll find yourself feeling like the undead, which I think is perfect. This is not a “imma be productive!” flower, nor is it one for weak lungs and is great for relaxing or even sleep troubles. Overall, this is gas. Some pure dragging sedation, and I don’t have much more I could say. I love this shit.

Dope scale going crazy ‼️
This gets a 9/10 from me 💯

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