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Cultivar Review: G.O.A.T. Milk by Fiore Genetics

G.O.A.T. Milk cultivar #goatsmilk by @kpowerzzz x @serge_cannabiss x @fiore x @powerzzzup_official

Lineage/Genetics  – Cereal Milk x Georgia Pie pheno

Original Breeder/Grower: Serge Cannabis x Fiore Genetics x Powerzzzup Genetics

Terpene Profile: Unknown


Goat Milk Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

@kpowerzzz x @serge_cannabiss have been putting in work all 2022 with the release of Cereal a la mode. Now they come back with the sister, greatest milk of all time, Goat Milk. The nugs came in a nice milk carton style mylar. I had a little problem taking out a 2.6 gram nug out of the bag, 🤣.

The nugs resembles one of the parents, Cereal Milk. Trichomes running through the bud like a river, Georgia pie peach color pistils & stigmas. Follow by a forrest green & dusk blue leaves 🍃. I have to say it’s a magnificent beauty of a plant 🪴. The palate is a fruity, earthy, pungent dough , 🥜 nutty taste. It’s like smoking on some peach yogurt with some almond 🥛.

The scent is a sweet, light fumes of gas, floral aroma. The fumes scent got stronger after the grind. The smell comes from the Georgia pie, the palate is a blend of both parents. The effects are medium high level cerebral, medium low body high. The high can last 2.5 -3 hours. I was so high, I was dragging my words at work and falling asleep 😴.

This is a NSFW cultivar. The high starts around 4-5 pulls in. It’s more about analyzing the terps at first, followed by the euphoric comatose effects. The ashes are salt and little pepper. The inhale is smooth and pleasant for a good sesh.

Overall is one of the best cultivars of this year. The highlights of this plant is the appearance, potency & the unique sweet milk & fruity taste. I feel its stronger than cereal a la mode, just less fruity terps more sweet & earthy tones. Shoutout to @kpowerzzz x @serge_cannabiss for this creation. Shoutout to @718_gas_ for making it happen. I highly recommend and give Goat’s Milk. 5/5

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