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Cultivar Review: Bacio by Preferred Gardens

#bacio aka #gelato41 by @preferred_gardens

Lineage – Thin Mint Cookies x Sunset Sherb

Bred by: SHERBINSKIS @sherbinski415 x @sherbinskis

Grown by: Preferred Gardens

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Bacio Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

@fountain_of_love7 🤲🏽 @167exotics

Bacio is my favorite of the Gelato phenos bred by the legendary @sherbinski415. @preferred_gardens finesses this batch with the essences of sweetness and exoticness on a gelato . The palate is earthy, sweet thin mint cookies with the pungent after taste of the sunset sherbet. The nose is musky, diesel, fruity gelato scents. The smoke experience is a memorable one. The inhale is bitter on the taste, smooth on the exhale 😮‍💨 still a chest locker. The effects are medium level cerebral and body high .

The head high starts around 6-7 pulls in, lasting around 1 hour and fading off to the body high. Overall for a total 2 hour high. The ashes burned 70/30 more salt than pepper. The nugs came well composed purple cabbage inner hues , acorn squash pistils, mint color buds, trichomes rivers streaming thru the nugs. I smoked it using the shine papers 4/5, raw & elements 5/5 all having positive results. In conclusion this bacio checks on effects, taste & scent, the appeal so so.

I recommended for all the gelato lovers. I love when we can appreciate a good gelato cultivated by the good people @preferred_gardens. 4/5

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