New YorkPre-rollReviewsRolling

Pre-roll Review: White Gelato Plus Blunt by La Coz Esotico

#lacozesotico #whitegelatoplus Hand Rolled blunts – 100% tobacco free- by @la_coz_ x @dubz_garden

Brand: La Coz x Dubz Garden

Assisted by: Astor Club NYC @astorclubnyc

La Coz White Gelato Plus Blunt Review

The hand rolled Tobacco free Blunt by @la_coz_ also comes with a glass tip made for the perfect airflow. I love smoking joints , but grew up with the Blunts. This blunt is different, the taste it’s sweet, a bit harsh on the inhale, still hit hard on the high . The taste is gassy, pungent, fruity. The effects it’s a medium cerebral high, it can last 2-3 hours. The ashes burn cigar grey. It comes in a nice wrap inside a plastic holder. I ended up clipping it a few times to extend it on a work shift. I feel the hemp paper used takes away the actual taste of the strain, beside that I like the La coz exótico. Shoutout to @astorclubnyc for blessing me with this pre roll. — 4.2/5


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