Strain Review: Kiwi Strawberry Gelato by Marathon Cultivation
Alright y’all this one was fire @marathoncultivation and not saying that because I’m a Nipsey fan but just being 💯 flavor and potency was 🔥 that’s all I have to say full video out on YouTube now got a fresh beat by my homie @eterriblebeats42 for this one ! Have a nice day yall ! #Kiwistrawberrygelato
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Marathon Cultivation
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Kiwi Strawberry Gelato Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Maratahon cultivation coming with some heat on this one! Got this one over at cana harbor in harbor city ca.
Kiwi strawberry gelato gots a strong fruity flavor along with subtle gas , this is one of those strains I’d get again.

Documenting nothing but the best flower that I come across -Nothing is for sale