Second Annual Revelry Cannabis Business Conference Recap
@ontherevel 2nd winter seminar – Recap —
Brand: Revelry Conference
Second Annual Revelry Conference Recap
The second annual Revelry cannabis business conference seminars is a informative experience for those looking for a way to network in the Cannabis industry. There were entrepreneurs from all over, including legacy and new brands looking to set the footprints in the NY cannabis industry. I met new and old faces and able to get information on the type of license that will help me expand my brand . I also seen many different business from Getting chill bong, workers comp services for up and coming cannabis establishments, POS services, cbd and thc brands & more. @theheavysmoke x @shiestbubz also held a special episode featuring top cannabis entrepreneurs like @pizzapusha, @certzbrand. I also had the chance to meet @compound & @vicmensa. I recommend anyone looking to get an inside glimpse of the industry and check on the revel —
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