CannaReD at CannaTalk NY Recap
@cannaredrd Recap – Pt 1 —-
Organization: CannaReD
This event meant a lot to me due to the fact that is about legalization of Cannabis in Dominican Republic – @happymunkey_ ‘s @vladimirbautista123 hosted an informative talk on the life of a Dominican citizen being a cannabis user in Dominican Republic . Imagine getting 5 years of prison for an oz or 3-5 months for a joint. Imagine going on a trip to DR and get caught with the flower and then get extorted by police officers to make it go away. @cannaredrd’s movement is led by @cesarpolancoreynoso and his team. @cannaredrd are in the midst of a march for cannabis on May 6 in the 🇩🇴. Stay tune for more recaps on this interesting and alarming topic, that unfortunately many Americans are enduring as well. Shoutout to @happymunkey_ and @cannaredrd and the @chelas_nyc for hosting .. if anyone want to get involved & help for the cause — follow @cannaredrd & @happymunkey_ for more ℹ️…
#debate #discussion #legalizarelcannabis #republicadominicana🇩🇴 #dominicanrepublic #happymunkey #sharethelove #letmeseewhatusmokin #reelsinstagram #cannabisconnoisseurgenetics #weedgram #cannabisconnoisseur👌 #cannabisindustry #weedsociety #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #highsociety #stonerlifestyle #stonersociety
#weedsmokers #smokingweed #cannabislove #cannabisconnoisseurscoalition #cannabislifestyle #cannabisconnoisseurconnection #420culture #cannabisgrow #cannabiscures

CannaReD at CannaTalk NY Recap

Check out more reviews by @lms1__186 on Instagram and Social Club! ( Also for the backup.
Social Club:
No puedo estar más feliz de ser parte de esta ASFL. Muchísimas gracias por tu valioso comentario sobre esta actividad. Es realmente de nuestro interés conseguir avances en la República Dominicana en política de drogas. El cannabis ya debe dejar de ser considerado una droga fuerte. Y el CBD, debe estar en las farmacias.