Cultivar Review: Aloha 23 by JOIA
#Aloha23 by @the_joia
Lineage/Genetics – unknown Hawaiian Landrace
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: JOIA
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Aloha 23 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Aloha 23 from @the_joia is a Hawaiian landrace with unknown lineage, Sativa dominant. The structure was leafy 🍃, garnet sweet potato color pistils, mixed herbs on the leaves 🍃, splash of trichomes. The nugs looked fresh and not too sticky like the dulce. It was easy to grind . The nose is an earthy, landrace, soil herbal , type of fragrance. It remind me of the afghani & Ethiopian heirloom. The flavors of orange peel, pinene, aloe Vera after taste . The effects are heavy intense body high, eyes low syndrome. The buzz starts around mid way sesh, delayed onset. Now once the high sets in, euphoric vibes start massage 💆🏽 my mind and body . Aloha has a comatose high can take you out in a second. The ashes report came in at 70/30 more salt than pepper, altering to 60/40 for the remainder of the sesh. The high can last about 3 hrs that includes a cerebral & body high . In conclusion Aloha 23 takes me back to the Sativa roots. The appeal is not the most appealing, but still beauty in one of the original landrace. The high is the main highlight of this cultivar. The nose and palate fit the description to the flower. Overall enjoyable smoke experience. If you’re into getting a taste of the essences and roots of landrace, need to try the Aloha 23. Shoutout to @the_joia for cultivating this art piece. Shoutout to @papisanto.s for recommending this one ☝🏽 to review .. 4.5/5
Letmeseewhatusmokin Ratings
5- perfect smoke, appeal, effects, nose & palate
4.9- 4.5 —- close to perfect but not quite/
4.5-4- good but not close to perfect
4-3.5 — reasonable for ticket – room for improvement
3.5 – 3 – still reasonable, might be attracted by two – three things on the cultivar ..
3- 2.5 – needs work work work – (Rihanna voice)
2.5 – 2 – 1 — needs to be revamped or probably should be cut off

Check out more reviews by @lms1__186 on Instagram and Social Club! ( Also for the backup.
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