Cultivar Review: Lavender Piff by Piffanomics x Piff Coast Farms
#lavenderpiff by @piffanomics x @piffcoastfarms –
Lineage/Genetics – Lavender aka Soma #10 x pc3 (uptown haze( NL x Haze) aka piff x uptown haze)
Original Breeder/Grower: Piffanomics x Piff Coast Farms
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Lavender Piff Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
@piffcoastfarms x @piffanomics to me are the kings of Haze/Piff with their different varieties and flowers of piff/ haze & sour . The lavender piff smell flawless, earthy gas like skunk landrace aroma with a zest herbal lavender scent. The palate is floral, herbal, sweet lavender church piff taste . This one take me back to that powerful pc3 high. This lavender piff taste unique, imagine Church piff with sweetness of herbal lavender myrcene 💨 finish. The high is a medium low, cerebral effect. Followed by a low body high, relaxation for tense muscles 💪🏽. The high is a creative, eyes low, focus on the rhythm of the sounds. The high is felt around 5-6 pulls in, after it sets in get ready for a nice ride. The soma #10 aka Lavender give you a great euphoric experience blends with the earthy woodsy landrace taste of the piff. I recommend this one to the real landrace connoisseurs looking for that vintage taste. The nugs had an immaculate beauty, highlighted saffron pistils, haze structured kolas giving me nostalgic memories of my first time trying haze. This Sativa dominant cultivar will make you appreciate the piff, especially with this addition of the lavender to give it a distinctive flavor . The ashes burn salt and pepper, smooth on the inhale. I rolled it on @piffcoastfarms papers, burned perfectly fine. It didn’t have the clean white ash, but it wasn’t harsh. The high can last about 1.5 -2 hours. It’s a perfect night smoke and can keep you active on a wake and bake. Overall Lavender piff is a winner, based on taste, the intense euphoric high, and unique scent. @piffcoastfarms x @piffanomics once again prove that they are on top of their game when it comes to piff. Shoutout to @piffcoastfarms for the blessings of this creation. Lavender piff – 4.5/5
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