Strain Review: MK Ultra 3
MK Ultra 3 [Indica] 🧃
Lineage/Genetics: OG Kush x G13
Original Breeder: T.H. Seeds
MK Ultra 3 Strain Review
⬇️ Read On ⬇️
Strength – 3/5 🗿🗿🗿
Aroma – Sour, Fruity 🍋 🥝
Taste – Sour, Pepper, Spicy 🍋 🍂 🌶️
Density – Dense 🥦
Smoke – Smooth 🧈
Oil Ring – Light Oil ♨️
Cherry – Normal 🚬
Hey Juicers 🧃👋! Taking a little break from stuffing the caption box with my THC-fueled writeups. Instead, I’ll be focusing more on visual content and seeing how it fits.
Don’t worry! The write-ups will RETURN 😘! The goal of Juice is STILL to bring rare cannabis portrait shots into your feed, equipped with my subjective experience of each individual strain.
If you (the viewer) have any suggestions you believe will benefit the overall experience of this account, I would LOVE to hear them! Just write them down in the comments below 😊!
Thanks for sticking around 🙏🤩.
Wishing you all the best,
-Juice 🧃
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