Ride the Skunk Train on 420: MedVets continues “Remember When” Series into 3rd year
[FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] Willits, CA – Join us for the Ultimate 420 Celebration at The Skunk Train in Willits, CA, USA!
Hop on board the Skunk Train, where you will take a short yet scenic trip into the Redwoods in the heart of the world-renowned “Emerald Triangle.”
Visit with and meet the award-winning farms, Artisan hash makers, and outstanding breeders who make this region world-renowned for producing the best cannabis in the world.
Enjoy food and crafts from amazing local vendors, bid on our epic charity auction, and rock out to two vintage-influenced bands: Humboldt’s R&B and Soul band Object Heavy and Seattle, WA’s Led Zeppelin Tribute Band No Quarter.
Proceeds from this celebration go to benefit MedVets, a non-profit organization that advocates for and provides top-shelf cannabis and restorative retreats to Military Veterans.
With all the good vibes, great people, music, food, and fun in a one-of-a-kind Redwood setting, you’ll definitely “Remember When” you rode the 420SkunkTrain!
Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/420-skunk-train-tickets-808746902757?aff=oddtdtcreator
About 420SkunkTrain “Remember When” Series
This Journey Continues to Test and Inspire Us, we must work as a Community to effect and expect change. @mendocheeto has continually shown up and supported our cause since he met Roscoe (Our Therapy Dog) hes a Great Guy and an Amazing Artist…..please like and follow his page and check out his work on www.MendoCheeto.com a Local Artist Making a Difference.

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