A Smellproof Dopp Kit by RYOT for your discreet weed needs
After trying out some RYOT grinders, I figured I should give some of their other accessories a try too. THC received these samples to check out.
Brand: RYOT
RYOT Dopp Kit Review
RYOT’s line of “smellproof” cases come in all shapes and sizes. The one size that everyone seems to need one of – including me – is the Dopp kit size. I like Dopp kits so much that my /r/onebag has two. Their usefulness can’t be undrestated – especially when it involves most stoners every day carries.
The dopp is big enough to fit mission critical gear like a bubbler while small enough to hang from a belt loop on a carabiner. It’s like the Reno of bags.
I’ll be honest, besides easily brushed off pet hair staticly collecting on the outside of the kit, this dopp kit has been an easy addition to my travel one bag. Over the last month, the smellproofness has yet to fade. If it ever does, it’ll be my sign that I need to wash the case and then heat activate as instructed to reactivate the charcoal and smellproofness.
I know that smellproofness isn’t a real word, but everyone reading knows what it is and why it’s important.
The Dopp was big enough to carry a small bubbler, grinder, and some baggies of weed along with cleaning accessories, some papers and even my nice wooden joint tamper. It looks just like all my other travel cubes and I like the black for that very reason. Even with the amount of airports that explicitly allow outbound glass and grass, this is still a good investment in my book. The dual bag setup makes cleaning easy, and it’s nice to have two separate bags in a pinch.
Neither are smell proof enough to put boku nugs in by their lonesome. Just note that…
It’s sleek looking enough to enter normal rotation just don’t forget to use the lock if this becomes a mission critical piece of luggage en transporte.
Hope you like the RYOT Dopp Kit [Affiliate link] review. If you’re interested, buy one from the RYOT site and use coupon code ‘THEHIGHESTCRITIC10’ for a discount.
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