ClubsNew YorkReviewsTourist Attractions

Club Review: SkyClub NYC

@skyclubnyc located in Queens is an exclusive
“Members Only” or IFYKYK type of spot to get the rare top tier flowers.

Brand: SkyClub NYC

Location: Queens

Sky Club NYC Review

The spot is neatly decorated with Art & stocked with all the latest brands and other accessories & collectors items. They have Blue Zushi, & @_thetenco latest drops, Original Z, @smokeupgang_x_bubbalooz Yerba
Mate, @jokesup × @burnaboygram collab & more. I also seen their own brand work and also NY and east coast cultivators like @marijuantauk x @piffcoastfarms × @fus_flowers edibles. The place is convenient to get back to the city. Their monthly memberships is reasonable for the ticket and have great deals for their members. I grabbed the bernie Hanna from @dubz_gardens & got blessed with @jokesup x @burnaboygram collab to review. My bro @thephenogoblin also pulled up and grabbed that Bernie Hanna. I also seen @jimmythegreengiant × @thegreengiantshop Sea Moss and @motaguaofficial infused drinks for those looking for alternatives. Overall @skyclubnyc has the ideal ticket, convenient for the stoner on the budget.
It’s perfect for those looking for something special in a friendly environment. Shoutout to the good people at @skyclubnyc
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skyclub nyc cannabis club review by letmeseewhatusmokin

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