Cannabis OilConcentratesEdiblesMarijuanaReviewsRSO

Concentrate Review: Guru Cannabis Oil RSO

Another shout out to Guru Cannabis Oil (@guru.canna) for providing the meds highly needed in those quarantine times.

Lineage/Genetics: Indian Landrace

Grower: Guru Cannabis Oil

Processor: Guru Cannabis Oil

Guru Cannabis Oil RSO Review

Strong healing properties for the body & mind, less edgy than most edibles, pure euphoria & heavy relaxation, enjoy the zen-oil. 🌞🌙🌓🌗

#indianlandrace #rso #ricksimpsonoil #edibles #cannabismedicinal #fullspectrum #thc #cbd #cannabiscommunity #cannabisreviews #420

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French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.

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French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.

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