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Concentrate Review: GXM Live Rosin by Kiamichi Skies

GXM Live Rosin Solventless Hash Diamonds by Kiamichi Skies.

Lineage/Genetics: GMO x MAC

Original Breeder: Capulator

Grower: Kiamichi Skies

Processor: Kiamichi Skies

GXM Live Rosin Review

“When you make Solventless THCA, Diamonds and Diamonds and Sauce it is all one related process. The first step is to take live rosin and place it in a small micron filter bag (we use 5mm) and slowly and carefully squeeze it to squeeze out any liquid contents. This is the Sauce. The THCA is left in the squeeze bag and comes out looking like a white cracker. Making Diamonds is simply, you just heat the THCA, causing it to melt and reform as a translucent crystal. To make Diamonds and sauce we simply add the sauce from step 1 back to some Diamonds. The sauce has a very high concentration of terpenes, and this approach concentrates the terpenes even further than in live rosin.”

-Paul Grayson, Founder/Owner/Operator Kiamichi Skies

All I am going to say about this product is, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. This is definitely the best concentrate I have ever tried, terps are insane. It is so smooth it’s unreal. This strain is absolutely amazing and has so many medical benefits. For my fellow solventless lovers, this is it. It’s everything. @kiamichi_skies continues to wow me with their consistency, quality and they are always 10 steps ahead. no question, this is a must try for anyone that is a true Connoisseur.
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